Honorable Mention TOKYO-2018 Science / Environment


  • Photographer
    Pygmalion Karatzas
  • Agency / Studio
    Pygmalion Karatzas Photography
  • Photo Date
    28 June 2017

Prof. Papatheodorou asked me to document their marine geophysical surveying of the Anfeh region in Lebanon. The OCEANUS team of the University of Patras was invited by the University of Balamand in June 2017. The juxtaposition of Anhef coastline from various eras, coupled with the cutting-edge technologies used to survey the oceanic bedrock, gave the inspiration. Sonic pulses use sound to create images of the seafloor not visible to the naked eye. The objective and subjective perspectives are combined to add a feeling of timelessness, as these traces of civilisation extend through millenia.

Pygmalion Karatzas studied Architecture at the Technical University of Budapest, Urban Design at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, and practiced architecture for 12 years. Since 2013 he is focusing systematically on architectural and fine art photography, producing a portfolio of 200 architectural, commercial and artistic projects from Europe, USA and Middle East.