
Rana Plaza Couture

  • Photographer
    Mimmi Moretti

It was april 24th 2013 when in Rana Plaza (Bangladesh), 1.129 people died amidst the rubble end another 2.500 were injured. Many of the victims were woman that worked in the garment factory in the building and their children who were in the company nurseries. The photograph simulate a fake magazine advertisement of an imaginary fashion brand called "Rana Plaza Couture"

Mimmi Moretti, whose real name is Domenico, was born in Catania in 1966. A few months later the family moved to Paris. It was in the French capital that he was culturally informed and where he began, thanks to his uncle, to take pictures and familiarize himself with the dark room. At the age of 20 he started working as a freelance photographer, collaborating with a few magazines. He left college before graduating to work for a German multinational company. A few years later he left that to pursue his own entrepreneurial endeavors during the dot-com business boom. Towards the late 90s he retur