Honorable Mention TOKYO-2017 Advertising / Beauty

Eyes full of life behind the Mask

  • Photographer
    Zhanna Kulchenko

Eyes full of life behind the Mask. Multiexposure was used to get the desired image . Each photo is composed of three or four shots with different settings of shutter speed and aperture. Sequins laid out and pasted on the face. Modern man changes his appearance with makeup, glasses, tattoos or plastic surgery as an extreme option . The desire to change yourself, to decorate - to wear a mask, has long existed in the cultures of different peoples. The word "mask" comes from the Latin word persona. Today the mask, makeup exists as a decorative element. This is a kind of theatre. Draw, paint and a man-made miracle comes to life, a new personality, a character. But, miraculously, eyes are very difficult to change. Eyes and what they radiate. The series "Eyes full of life behind the Mask. " reveals different images. They shine, sparkle and dazzle with their fabulousness. There is a holiday, carnival, masquerade theatre, the game on the surface. But behind it all, a man, a person. There are emotions, feelings, sorrow or fun. I offer you to plunge into the world of fantasies, fairy-tales and dive into a sea of color. SHINE FORTH, STAY, CHANGE AND REINCARNATE , BUT LISTEN TO YOURSELF. LIVE YOUR GAME OF LIFE.